Duboke tehnologije u naukama o materijalima: potencijal za “zelene” inovacije i preduzetništvo na balkanskim visokoškolskim ustanovama   EIT RawMaterials


AKTOVKE: Kreiranje lokalne mreže projekta EIT RawMaterials

Međuinstitucionalni sporazum između programskih i partnerskih zemalja (između Montanuniverziteta Leoben u Austriji i Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci, Bosna i Hercegovina) Erasmus+ K1

RM@Schools-4: Raw Matters Ambassadors at Schools
4.0 EIT RawMaterials


RIS RESTOREEvaluation of Red Mud Tailings in the Region of East and South-East Europe EIT RawMaterials


ESEE – Education Initiative EIT RawMaterials

DePol20 – Development of new polymer additives for different applications. Влада Републике Српске и Влада Републике Словеније

Oxygen sensing a novel mean for biology and technology of fruit quality CA18210 COST Association

MechSusInd Mechanochemistry for Sustainable Industry CA 18112 COST Association



RAISESEE – Raw Materials Students Internships in East South/ East Europe EIT RawMaterials


Blow-UP – Balkans Waste to Products: transfer of NoI model to Balkan area: de-siloing new waste-derived raw materials and developing new applications EIT RawMaterials

Hybrid Metallic/Carbon Nanomaterials Made from Mining Industry Sludge and Their Applications in Adsorption/Catalysis Treatment of Emerging Pharmaceuticals in Water UNESCO


StableNextSol – Stable Next-generation Photovoltaics: Unraveling degradation mechanism of organic solar cells by complementary characterization technique MP1307 COST Association