To the great satisfaction of the young members of the project team and the students who participated in the trial work, Chemistry Department is able to announce that the modern BET analyzer has been fully launched. The device was procured thanks to the support of the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society, through the “Synergy” fund. It is about the RediNano project (“Rediscovering the potential of the old plant for dry distillation of wood – Exotic nanocarbons”) with the industrial partner “Destilacija” Teslić.
The abbreviation BET refers to the names of scientists (Brunauer – Emmett – Teller) whose classical theory of physical adsorption of gases (especially nitrogen) was used as the basis for this important analytical technique. It is a technique that has been officially recommended by IUPAC in recent years. Students and researchers at Chemistry Department will now be able to measure the specific surface of materials and the pore size distribution in porous materials with high precision. During the RediNano project, the device will be used for measuring these properties on carbon nanomaterials, but in the long run will be important for other research, especially in the field of inorganic and physical chemistry.