Senior teaching assistant, MSc in Chemistry

Research field: Inorganic Chemistry

Senior teaching assistant in Inorganic Chemistry. Participates as a research assistant in the realization of several international projects dealing with monitoring and improving the quality of chemistry teaching in primary and secondary schools. In recent years, she has been engaged in numerous research in the field of environmental chemistry. Through a numerous activity in the Chemistry Department and the Faculty of Natural Sciences, she also participates in various events whose goal is the promotion and popularization of chemistry for primary and secondary school students.   

Office: Chemistry Anex
Phone: +387 51 319 142

Consultation: Tuesday 10.00-12.00

University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Science
  • 2015 – present: Senior Teaching Assistant
  • General chemistry
  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Selected Chapters in Inorganic Chemistry
  • Coordination chemistry
  • Inorganic synthesis
  • Solid state chemistry
  • School Experiments in Chemistry Teaching
  • Chemistry
  • 2014 MSc in Chemistry Engineering (University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science) Electrochemical detection and characterization of some phenolic compounds in selected plant materials Mentor: Dr Fehim Korać, Associate Professor
  • 2013 BSc in Chemistry Engineering (University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science)
  • RAISESEE – Raw Materials Students Internships in East South/ East Europe EIT RawMaterials
  • Blow-UP – Balkans Waste to Products: transfer of NoI model to Balkan area: de-siloing new waste-derived raw materials and developing new applications EIT RawMaterials
  • Nanochemistry solutions in technical lubricants additive improvements
  • An innovative approach to the synthesis of BiFeO3 photovoltaic materials
  • Influence of plant extracts on the reduction of toxic effects of pesticides in human erythrocytes in vitro
  • Rediscovering the Potentials of Old Plants for Dry Distillation of Wood-Exotic Nanocarbons
  • Dijana Jelić, Aleksandra Šmitran, Sanja Pržulj, Savka Vračević, Dragana Gajić, Mladena Malinović, Ljiljana Božić: Study of Iron oxide nanoparticles doped with copper: Antimicrobal and photocatalytical activity, Contemporary materials, XI-2 (2020) pp.93-101, DOI: 10.7251/COMEN2002093J
  • Savka Vračević, Aleksandra Šmitran, Sanja Pržulj, Dragana Gajić, Mladena Malinović, Ljiljana Božić, Dijana Jelić: Antimicrobal and Photocatalytical properties of doped and undoped zinc oxide nanoparticles, Contemporary materials, XI-2 (2020) pp.128-134, DOI: 10.7251/COMEN2002128V
  • Šehovac, S., Gojković, V., Marjanović-Balaban, Ž. (2017): Chemical analysis of general characteristics and content of heavy metals in green and herbal tea infusions. V International Congress “Engineering, Environment and Materials in Processing Industry“, Jahorina, Proceedings, pp. 1246-1255
  • Šehovac, S., Ostojić, J., Halilović, N., & Gojak-Salimović, S. (2016). Evaluation of antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts from nettle leaf (Urtica dioica L.) using BriggsRauscher reaction. Radovi Poljoprivrednog Fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu (Works of the Faculty of Agriculture University of Sarajevo), 61(66 (1)), 164-167.
  • Halilović, N., Šehovac, S., Ostojić, J., Avdić, N., & Gojak-Salimović, S. (2016). Spectrophotometric quantification of nitrite in dried meat. Radovi Poljoprivrednog Fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu (Works of the Faculty of Agriculture University of Sarajevo), 61(66 (1)), 138-141.
  • Гутић, С., Кораћ, Ф., Куртић, Р., Шеховац, С., Диздар, М. (2013) Полианилински филмови на активним субстратима – утицај ултразвука на адхезију и електрохемијске особине. Заштита материјала и животне средине, 2, 107-111
  • Member of the „Improving STEM skills in Republika Srpska, B&H“ project team
  • Chemistry STEM trainer for pupils
  • Organization and participation in the National Science Festival
  • Organization and participation in the event “The European Researchers’ Night”

University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Science

  • 2015 – present: Senior Teaching Assistant
  • General chemistry
  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Selected Chapters in Inorganic Chemistry
  • Coordination chemistry
  • Inorganic synthesis
  • Solid state chemistry
  • School Experiments in Chemistry Teaching
  • General and inorganic chemistry
  • 2014 MSc in Chemistry Engineering (University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science) Electrochemical detection and characterization of some phenolic compounds in selected plant materials  Mentor: Dr Fehim Korać, Associate Professor
  • 2013 BSc in Chemistry Engineering (University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science)



  • CHEMTEACH – Improvement the quality of chemistry teaching in VET in Bosnia and Herzegovina, ERASMUS+
  • RIS RESTORE – Evaluation of Red Mud Tailings in the Region of East and South-East Europe, EIT RawMaterials
  • RM@Schools-4: Raw Matters Ambassadors at Schools 4.0, EIT RawMaterials
  • RAISESEE – Raw Materials Students Internships in East South/ East Europe EIT RawMaterials
  • Blow-UP – Balkans Waste to Products: transfer of NoI model to Balkan area: de-siloing new waste-derived raw materials and developing new applications EIT RawMaterials




  • Investigation of the inhibitory effect of boronic acid derivatives on enzyme activity for the purpose of discovering potential antitumor drugs
  • Nanochemistry solutions in technical lubricants additive improvements
  • An innovative approach to the synthesis of BiFeO3 photovoltaic materials
  • Influence of plant extracts on the reduction of toxic effects of pesticides in human erythrocytes in vitro




  • Multidisciplinary approach as a support for the expansion of the raw material base of the domestic food producer
  • Rediscovering the Potentials of Old Plants for Dry Distillation of Wood-Exotic Nanocarbons



  • Erasmus+ ICM2020-2023 Project, staff exchange, October 2022, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU) Faculty of chemical and food technology, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society of the Republic of Srpska and Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, staff exchange, May 2022, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia
  • Janković, B., Papović, S., Vraneš, M., Knežević, T., Pržulj, S., Zeljković, S., … & Jelić, D. (2023). Biomineral nanocomposite scaffold (CaCO3/PVA based) carrier for improved stability of vitamin D3: characterization analysis and material properties. Journal of Materials Science, 1-22. DOI: 10.1007/s10853-023-08453-z
  • Gotovac Atlagić, S., Sukur, S., Pržulj, S., Hattori, Y., Nasser, K. I., Pisaturo, M., … & Stević, D. (2023). Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Synthesized from Iron Waste as an Additive to Lubricants for Reducing Friction. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 1-8. DOI:
  • Atlagić, S. G., Tankosić, L., Pržulj, S., & Mirošljević, D. (2021). Recent Patents in Reuse of Metal Mining Tailings and Emerging Potential in Nanotechnology Applications. Recent Patents on Nanotechnology, 15(3), 256-269. DOI: 10.2174/1872210514666201224104555
  • Pržulj, S., Radojičić, A., Kašanin-Grubin, M., Pešević, D., Stojadinović, S., Jovančićević, B., & Veselinović, G. (2022). Distribution and provenance of heavy metals in sediments of the Vrbas River, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Journal of Serbian Chemical Society, 87(4), 519-530. DOI:
  • Member of the „Improving STEM skills in Republika Srpska, B&H“ project team
  • Chemistry STEM trainer for pupils
  • Organization and participation in the National Science Festival
  • Organization and participation in the event “The European Researchers’ Night”
  • Training for STEM-PPDM trainers/mentors, “Enhancing and Advancing Basic Learning and Education – ENABLE-BiH”, 2019.
  • Completed training “IMPLEMENTATION OF TEACHER’S OCCUPATION/QUALIFICATION STANDARDS IN TEACHING STUDY PROGRAMS”, EU IPA project “Education for employment in Bosnia and Herzegovina”