The basic requirement for enrollment in the Chemistry program (the first year of the first cycle of studies) is the completion of a four-year secondary education in the Republic of  Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, or equivalent education abroad. Candidates who apply for enrollment, take the entrance exam in Chemistry. The order of candidates for enrollment is determined on the basis of:

general success achieved in secondary education (success in all subjects and grades of a four-year secondary school) and

results achieved at the entrance exam.

The number of points achieved on the basis of general success is obtained by multiplying the average grade in all subjects of a four-year high school by the number 10 (ten). At the entrance exam, the candidate can achieve 50 (fifty) points. According to both criteria, it is possible to achieve a maximum of 100 (one hundred) points.

Realization of the entrance exam and determination of the order of candidates (ranking lists) is performed by the Commission for enrollment of students in cooperation with the Central commission for enrollment in university study programs. In the case of the same total number of points of two or more candidates, the candidate with the higher number of points achieved at the entrance exam has the advantage.

Candidates who did not achieve at least 15 points at the entrance exam do not have the right to enroll at the University of Banja Luka. If the number of admitted students is less than the minimum determined by the Rulebook on Standards and Norms for Financing Public Higher Education Institutions (“Official Gazette of Republika Srpska” No. 84/14 and 38/17), these students will be offered another appropriate study program.

The Government of the Republika Srpska makes a decision on the number of students who enroll in the first year of the first and second cycle of studies at public higher education institutions.