Structural investigations with compatibility testing of domestic coals for the production of graphene oxide by the method of electrochemical exfoliation
Support from MNV: Minerals in Schools for Future Chemistry Classrooms
Support from MNV: Green Technologies in Material Sciences
Support from MNV: Briefcase of Knowledge
RIS BRIEFCASE Support from the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development and Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska
Cohesion of the Green Chemistry and Green Entrepreneurship with Innovations at Western Balkans Higher Education Institutions, Support from the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development and Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska
Nanotechnology Innovations in the Secondary Raw Materials Chain, Support from Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina
RM@schools 4.0 (Минерали у школама 4.0) Подршка Министарства за научнотехнолошки развој, високо образовање и информационо друштво Републике Српске
RIS RESTORE (Процјена јаловишта црвеног муља у источној и југоисточној Европи) Подршка Министарства за научнотехнолошки развој, високо образовање и информационо друштво Републике Српске
GreenEn (Кохезија зелене хемије и зеленог предузетништва са иновацијама на западнобалканским образовним установама) Подршка Министарства за научнотехнолошки развој, високо образовање и информационо друштво Републике Српске
RIS BRIEFCASE (Актовке за стварање регионалне иновационе мреже) Подршка Министарства за научнотехнолошки развој, високо образовање и информационо друштво Републике Српске
RM@schools 4.0 (Minerals in schools 4.0). Support from the Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society of the Republic of Srpska
Bioactive compounds from agro-food and textile by-products for skin care applications. Support from the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nanocomposites (pyrophyllite clay based): kinetic aspects of biomolecules release
Nanochemistry Solutions in Technical Lubricants Additive Improvements
Synthesis and Characterization of Siloxane Block Copolymers with Self-Healing Potential
Introduction to Mechanochemistry
An innovative approach to the BiFeO3 photovoltaic materials synthesis
Influence of plant extracts on reduction of pesticide toxic effects in human erythrocytes in vitro
Development of New Polymer Additives for High Performance Hybrid Solar Cells
Synthesis and characterization of biocompatible and biodegradable thermoplastic elastomers based on poly(L-lactide) and poly(dimethylsiloxane)
Synthesis and characterization of biocompatible and biodegradable thermoplastic elastomers based on poly(L-lactide) and poly(dimethylsiloxane)
ПМФ | М. Стојановића 2, Бања Лука