With a great pleasure, our Department hosted for the second time a very dynamic team from Seville of coordinators of the “RISBriefcase” project, in which we have been participating since 2023. Lidia, Santiago and Silvia, brought the “secrets” of the fluorescence of natural minerals to the pupils of several Banja Luka schools.
This property of molecules or atoms to absorb light at one wavelength and then almost instantly emit it at a larger ones, has found its application in numerous chemical and optical analysis techniques.
At the workshop, held in our Training Center for Materials Innovation, the students enjoyed learning about a new topic, trying out the technique themselves and discussing the chemical compositions of minerals that their colleagues brought from their distant country.
Also, with the help of a Google virtual reality set, they were shown what the inside of the mine in Spain where these materials were found looks like.
They made this day and science, and Spain a little closer to us.
The “RISBriefcase” continues its journey, and during the summer and autumn we are expecting a series of interesting events with students of various ages.