

Assоciate Professor, PhD in Science and Technology

Research field: Nanochemistry, Nanotechnology

Professor of nanochemistry and PhD in the field of chemistry and technology. She is motivated to promote opportunities for the development of nanochemistry and nanotechnologies in the industry, based on raw materials from Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has a wide network of international associates and especially nurtures the cooperation with colleagues from the period of her study in Japan and Switzerland. She promotes international exchange but strongly motivates SP Chemistry students to repatriate and since it is very important that their knowledge gained abroad is most valuable if applied in their own country. In her work she combines knowledge from undergraduate studies (technology) and the period of postgraduate study (natural sciences and technology) and is doing her research exclusively on domestic raw materials and secondary raw materials from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Office: SP Chemistry teacher’s study room
Phone: +387 51 300 830

Consultation: Tuesday and Thursday 14.30-15.30

University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  • 2021 – present: Associate professor in Nanochemistry
  • 2011 – 2021: Assistant professor in Nanochemistry
Chiba University, Faculty of Science, Chemistry Department, Chiba, Japan
  • 2004-2007 research assistant
    Institute of Chemistry, University of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
  • 2002-2004 teaching assistant
  • Nanochemistry
  • Quantum chemistry
  • Instrumental analysis
  • Physicochemical methods
  • Contemporary materials
  • Green principles in raw material exploitation
  • 2007 PhD in Science and Technology (Chiba University, Graduate Schools of Science and Technology, Chiba, Japan) Physicochemical Characterization of Liquid-phase Adsorption-treated Nanostructured Carbons. Advisor: Prof.dr Katsumi Kaneko
  • 2002 Master of science in humanities (Ochanomizu University, Graduate school of humanities and sciences, Tokyo, Japan), Water Sorption of Nylon 6 Microfibers Studied by Inverse Gas Chromatography, Advisor: Prof.dr Nakanishi Tadashi
  • 1999 Graduated engineer of textile technology (University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Technology) Production of the Textured PET Filaments by Simultaneous Drawing Texturing and Their Characterization, Advisor: Prof.dr Mihailo Ristić.
  • RMSchools-4. Raw Matters Ambassadors at Schools 4.0, EIT RawMaterials
  • RIS RESTORE – Evaluation of Red Mud Tailings in the Region of East and South-East Europe, EIT RawMaterialss
  • RAISESEE – Raw Materials Students Internships in East South/ East Europe, EIT RawMaterialss
  • Blow-UP – Balkans Waste to Products: transfer of NoI model to Balkan area: de-siloing new waste-derived raw materials and developing new applications, EIT RawMaterials
  • ESEE – Education Initiative, EIT RawMaterials
  • „Hybrid Metallic/Carbon Nanomaterials Made from Mining Industry Sludge and Their Applications in Adsorption/Catalysis Treatment of Emerging Pharmaceuticals in Water“, финансијер UNESCO/IUPAC/PhosAgro, Green chemistry Award
  • REDI NANO „Rediscovering the Potentials of Old Plants for Dry Distillation of Wood-Exotic Nanocarbons “- Synergy fund, coordinator
  • LUBRICAD-„Nanochemistry Solutions in Technical Lubricants Additive Improvements “, coordinator
  • „Research on Influence of the Nitrate Ions on Chemical Oxygen Demand in Surface Waters Rivers: Vrbas, Bosna and Drina“, coordinator
  • Guest professor at Shinshu University, Nagano and Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan, July 2022
  • Erasmus+ exchange, University of Poitiers, France, December 2019
  • Erasmus+ exchange, Aristotle University, Greece, April 2019
  • Scholarship: JASSO-Japan Student Services Organization, Japan, 2005-2007
  • Scholarship: Suisse National Science Foundation, Switzerland, 2002-2004
  • Scholarship: MONBUKAGAKUSHO Japanese Government Scholarship, Japan, 1999-2002
  • Atlagic, S.G., Biessikirski, A., Kuterasiński, Ł., Dworzak, M., Twardosz, M., Sorogas, N., Arvanitidis, J., 2020. On the Investigation of Microstructured Charcoal as an ANFO Blasting Enhancer. Energies 13, 4681.
  • Atlagić, S.G., Tankosić, L., Prźulj, S., Mirošljević, D., 2021. Recent Patents in Reuse of Metal Mining Tailings and Emerging Potential in Nanotechnology Applications. Recent Pat. Nanotechnol. 15, 256–269.
  • Kukobat, R., Škrbić, R., Massiani, P., Baghdad, K., Launay, F., Sarno, M., Cirillo, C., Senatore, A., Salčin, E., Atlagić, S.G., 2022. Thermal and structural stability of microporous natural clinoptilolite zeolite. Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 341, 112101.
  • Gotovac Atlagic, S., Biessikirski, A., Kuterasiński, Ł., Dworzak, M., Twardosz, M., Sorogas, N., & Arvanitidis, J. (2020). On the Investigation of Microstructured Charcoal as an ANFO Blasting Enhancer. Energies, 13(18), 4681.
  • Stanisavljević, M., Janković, S., Milisavić, D., Čađo, M., Kukrić, Z., Stević, D., Radovan Kukobat, Predrag Ilić, Denis Međed, Magdalena Parlinska Wojtan & Atlagić, S. G. (2019). Novel Nanoporous Carbon/Iron Oxide Catalyst for SO2 Degradation. Materials Today: Proceedings, 7, 920-929.