Project Goal: Promotion of resources of the Republic of Srpska and conducting of deep technologies
Target Group: Academic community, students, engineers from domestic industry
Project Duration: 13.12.2023.-13.12.2024.
In the Republic of Srpska, there is considerable potential for the implementation of deep technologies, which is evident in the positive trends of digitization and orientation towards foreign markets by domestic producers. It is important to work on promoting these potentials. Domestic conferences can make a significant contribution to education on the importance of implementing the mentioned technologies with the aim of improving economic processes.
As a part of this project, the international conference NanoPol 2024 – Nanomaterials and Polymer Technology Conference was organized and held, for target groups (for the academic community and engineers). Main topic of the conference was application of deep technologies in various fields of science and technology, with a focus on chemical sciences, processing and application of materials.
Authors from 11 countries participated in the conference. In addition to foreign and domestic authors, at the NanoPol conference, 9 students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics presented their works. This was the third consecutive conference and it received an adequate standard of quality in the organization according to the regulations, available on
As part of the conference, a study visit to domestic industry was organized to, to the Mladegspak Prnjavor factory, which has a potential of applying deep technologies in the future. The guests are introduced to the good practices in this factory, the completely closed system of recycling polymer packaging materials, the digitalization of production control, and the process of installing large-scale solar panels that will provide clean energy in the future. During the visit, the guests also had the opportunity to meet the mayor of city of Prnjavor, and to hear a presentation on the positive economic and demographic trends in this city. The guests were given ideas about potential project themes with the city, which they will have in mind in the future.
An educational multimedia content (in two languages – Serbian, English) has been created with the aim of international promotion of the potential of domestic raw materials for deep technologies. High quality video material on the promotion of domestic resources suitable for deep technologies is posted on the youtube account of the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences at the link: (or it can be found by searching the keywords „DeepTech resources in B&H“ on the youtube platform).
Associate professor
Assistant researcher on the project
ПМФ | М. Стојановића 2, Бања Лука